Aldrewold, a friar of the. Abbey of Fleury, in France, was born about A.D. 818, near this abbey, and died in 890. He wrote, Histoire des Miracles operes par Saint Benoit depuis quil avait eif transfer du Mont Cassin a l'Abbaye de Fleutry. Aldrewold finished this history about 876, and it was printed in the Bibliatheque de Fleury and in the collection of the Bollandists. He also wrote a treatise in which he asserted, contrary: to John Scotus, the real presence of Jesus Christ in the eucharist, by the authority of the fathers. D'Archer published this treatise in his Spicilegium, vol. xii. Another work of Aldrewold is Vie de Saint Aygulphe, priest of Lerins and a martyr. Mabillon has reproduced this in his Acta SS. Ordd. Bened. vol. xi, from a MS. considered authentic in the Library of the Abbey of Fleury. The other writings which Trithemius attributes to Aldrewold have not come down to us. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.