Albero of Montreuil
Albero Of Montreuil, archbishop of Treves, was born in 1080 at Montreuil, near Toul. He was a zealous propagator of the ecclesiastical ideas of Gregory VII, and abolished many abuses then predominant in the Church. In 1130 he was made archbishop. At first he declined this honor, but finally adhered to the wishes of the pope. His position was a very trying one; but, with his usual energy, he commenced the reformation of his diocese. The monasteries were especially cared for, while his own palace formed the nucleus for the gathering of men of learning in his time. He died Jan. 18, 1152. See Walde, De Alberone Trevirorum Archiepiscopo (Monasterii, 1855); Prumer, AIbero von Montreuil, Erzbischof von Trier (Gott. 1874); Huyskens, Albero von Montreuil, Erzbischof von Trier, 1. Theil (Munster, 1879); Wetzer u. Welte, Kirchen-Lexikon, s.v. (B. P.)