Addas, one of the three disciples of Manes, who, according to the Acts of Archelaus, was originally sent to preach his master's doctrines in Scythia, and was afterwards commissioned with the others to collect Christian books.. He was subsequently sent as a missionary to the East. Cyril of Jerusalem (Catech. vi, 31) gives his name as Baddas (Βαδδᾶς). Photius (Bzblioth. (Cod. 85) mentions certain writings of Addas, one of which was entitled Μόδιον, in allusion to Mark iv, 21, and which was refuted by Diodorus. of Tarsus. The Greek form of abjuration (Cotelier, Patres Apost.
i, 544) mentions a work against Moses and the prophets as written by Addas in conjunction with Adimantus (q.v.).